I originally came across the beautiful art of Kim-Anh through my blog buddy Chelsea's site when she showcased her during one of her Feature Friday posts. I fell in love with all of her adorable drawings, and was super excited when she opened an Etsy shop selling them. Kim-Anh is a great artist, and she has beautiful tattoos as well! I'm excited to feature her this week, and I know you'll enjoy her photos and words. Happy Tattoo Tuesday!
Name and blog name: Kim-Anh Nguyen Art | http://kimanhnguyenart.blogspot.com/
Age: 21
Occupation: I'm currently searching for a tattoo apprenticeship and I have a blog where I show my sketches and "tattoo flashes" ...in other words I'm an unemployed slacker.
Age of first tattoo: 15
Favorite tattoo: Owl and rose on my forearm | Conspiracy Inc. | Copenhague, Denmark
Featured tattoo/location: Geisha with peonies and a daruma doll on my left arm
Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo: Judd Ripley | The Sailor's Grave | Copenhague, Denmark

1) Tell us about the tattoo you are sharing with us- is there a background story or special meaning? Why did you choose this particular piece of art?
This was my first tattoo I kinda took my time and made some research to find the right artist for the right piece. My boyfriend was also looking for the right tattooer to make him a gypsy girl but he couldn't find someone who would totally stun him. Til he stumbled on Judd Ripley's myspace one day by some fortunate hazard, and luckily for us, he was moving from Autralia to Europe on those same days.
I totally fell in love with his geishas and flowers so as soon as we could we got an appointment and headed to Copenhagen to get tattooed by him...
The shibari thing is something I like, I like the aesthetics of it and, to be honest, sometimes I like things to be a little rough! :)
There is also a one eyed daruma on my tattoo, I hope to be filling the second eye someday soon!
2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where?
Some traditional japanese deme kin (goldfish) with peonies | Marco Serio | Invisible NYC | New York, USA
Sugar skull and dagger | El Bara | True Love Tattoo | Madrid, Spain
Razorblade | Greg Laraigne | Inkvader Tattoo | Geneva, Switzerland
"Stinky Chinky" lettering on my wrists and anchor on my finger| Sebah | De La Vida Tattoo | Santiago, Chile
Pucca mermaid | Pape | De La Vida Tattoo | Santiago, Chile
Koi Fish | myself | at home
Cherry blossom | myself | at home
Teenage cheap tattoos on my back and my right arm | unknown | some biker tattoo shop

3) Do you plan on getting more?
Of course, this is just the beginning! :)
In fact I have an appointment for August 17th at Conspiracy Inc. to get a flying sushi on my right arm, and I hope to go back to Madrid on October to get some old school sailor shrimps on my feet and maybe finish my left Asian themed arm someday with Judd Ripley!

4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them?
My parents are Asian and don't really appreciate that kind of art. In fact, from my teen years 'til I left home I never spent time there uncovered, I always concealed my tattoos so my parents wouldn't know I had some. They only discovered it when I had already left home. To this day my father refuses to appear next to me on family pictures and doesn't feel comfortable walking with me on the street. It also made my mother cry when she noticed it. Crazy Asian people!! :)
My aunts and other members of my family don't seem to appreciate it that much either, although they stay cool about it.
Concerning work, I guess I've been through what everybody "heavily" or visibly tattooed has been through, like being asked by your boss not to show your tattoos to the customers, people or whoever is attending the place you work at.
But, to be honest, I receive many more compliments than negative remarks concerning my tattoos.

5) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?
I guess that people who are into tattoos don't really need advice, they will do it anyway.
Maybe the only thing I can think of is with all the GOOD tattoo artists out there it's worth to take some time to find a quality one instead of heading to the first tattoo shop and get some lousy piece that you will regret shortly after (like I did at fifteen).

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