this side looks smaller for some reason, I'm not sure why! Maybe Henry was resting more to the left this afternoon.
I've been feeling really great lately too, and I'm curious to see if these great feelings follow me into the third trimester. I'm still working out and staying really active, but I definitely have to push myself to go on some days. The reason I almost always do go, is because I know my mindset will not be in a happy place if I let myself get out of shape or get into an inactive rut. I keep going to keep my positive attitude up and to make sure I stay happy- this works best for me. As far as food, still no cravings. The closest thing to a craving I have is probably my love for Pink Lady apples. I probably have 2-3 a day, but this isn't really that different from before I was pregnant, just the need for my beloved apples is just a little stronger!
Here's a photo post-swim at my parents' house this past weekend. Don't mind the streaky mirror, I didn't even realize it looked like that when I snapped the photo. Swimming is my all-time favorite thing to do but it's gotten way too hot down there in Phoenix to enjoy it, since the water is hot tub temperature and that's definitely not safe. So instead, I can splash around with Madeline for a bit but I've avoided exerting myself through laps so I don't overheat like last time. I don't remember if I blogged about it, but I had a bit of an episode after swimming laps and decided to take it easy in the heat. It scared my Mom and Hank, and it definitely put me in check with my limitations while pregnant. Everything is fine now though, and the main thing I want to share with this photo is how well the Merona vintage-inspired one piece from Target works as a maternity swimsuit! The front is allotted a lot of extra give and fabric so it still fits really well!
Annnd, this week, Henry is the size of a rutabaga!

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga- but he's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. He's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.
If you've been keeping up to date with my regular entries, you'd know that this week I went back to work, although the kids don't arrive until Monday. I am finding that it's a bit of a challenge to find clothes that aren't only tattoo friendly for teaching, but also maternity friendly! I'm still trying to avoid wearing honest to goodness maternity clothes as much as possible, and instead have found some great, cheap options at Forever 21. I just get a size up and I think they should work fine. I do have to say how much I LOVE the Forever 21 maternity denim. I will try to remember to snap a photo but they're just fabulous. $13.50 for a pair of cute skinnies with a super comfortable elastic waistband in the front. They aren't available on the website right now but if you're pregnant and see them, be sure to snatch them up immediately! Love love love them and for so cheap you can't go wrong. A lot of my vintage dresses have worked well too, so I'm going to try to hold out as long as possible before I succumb to what I see as very unfashionable clothing. I know some stores do carry some cute maternity clothes, but I am just not going to spend $80-200 on a dress I will only wear for a few more months! So I am making due and so far, so good. I'll try and snap some photos before work next week so you can see what outfits I've come up with.
Tonight was a fun mail night because not only did I receive a super thoughtful gift from my friend Sarah (I'll blog about that later), but we received a handmade baby blanket courtesy of a darling blog reader! Sometimes I am just blown away by the sheer kindness of "strangers," although in the blog world I wouldn't constitute it as being strangers at all. Shaye, thank you so much for your incredible kindness. I can't wait to wrap Henry up in your super soft creation. We appreciate it so very much and I am sending you a HUGE virtual hug. Thank you thank you.
And speaking of gifts, Hank and I ended up registering at Babies 'r Us, but didn't announce it, outside of a few people. However, when I logged on to add some more items, I noticed that an expensive gift has already been purchased off of it! I am so curious to know who this mystery person is. Whoever it may be, I am just so thankful and really feel just so loved that people want to make and buy little Henry such wonderful things. He is the luckiest boy in the world to already be so loved by so many people!
I am starting to get really excited for the baby shower being thrown for Henry and me, which is happening in early October. I'm looking forward to having everyone up here in the mountains to enjoy the gorgeous Fall weather and changing leaves, and spending some time having fun and catching up. There's just so much to look forward to, and next week when the "total days until Henry is here" count gets under 100, I'm sure time will speed up even more.
Have a beautiful evening, and thank you again for following along on my journey! xoxo
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