Afterward I napped for most of the afternoon and then Hank and I headed over to Target and got a bunch of adorable things for Henry. I really love how excited Hank gets picking out stuff for him, and I really cannot wait until Baby H arrives and I get to see what a wonderful Dad he'll be. We had so much fun getting him cute stuff, and afterward we headed out to the theater to see Grown Ups with our friend Matt. I went into it with pretty low expectations. It looked like a typical comedy; light hearted and fun, and that's exactly what is was. I actually enjoyed it, minus some bad, bad acting from everyone outside of the main guys but overall it was a sweet little film and exactly what I expected.
I'm off to bed now, but here are some photos from today-
Happy 4th of July, everyone!
Hank and me (I look so pregnant here!)
my cute mama
Mom and me :)
Hank's Dad, Hank and my Mom
love her
my pretty sister
"the kids"
my attempt at a belly photo
red eye that didn't want to be removed!
Hank and his Dad
our patriotic set up
handsome hubby
Paco, Danny and Hank downtown
Whiskey Row
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