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I'm Burning HOT!!!

Oh today the weather is VERY VERY HOT!!!

 Almost 50 degrees!!

I had no choice but to go out because I need to run some errands
For those who never had the chance to feel it,
Let me describe it for you...

It feels like burning to your skin,
makes u feel discomfort, to one point u feel numb and boleh buat jadi pitam or pengsan!
But sepanas panas cuaca kat middle east ni,
api neraka lagi panas, nauzubillah - takutnyaa...

Anyway, bila sampai rumah dengan all the barangs,
As a proud domestic diva I need to settle the kids, nak masak, nak kemas, nak basuh, nak sidai =)
Berkejar itu ini, tengok2 dah almost 5pm!
Meanwhile tunggu hubby sampai rumah,
I remembered the item that I've accidentally bought last week
And this is the time for me to take my own sweet time to open it =)

Remember the time when I blog that I should not get more shoes??
Seriously, I've been cursed!


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