I also wanted to say THANK YOU! (so, so, so, so, so much. SO MUCH.) to every single one of you for all of your amazing comments and emails regarding my registry questions. I was so blown away by the responses and I read thoroughly through every single comment and I'm still working through the emails (if you haven't gotten a response yet I'm getting there!). I just cannot believe the sheer kindness that comes from every one of you and your eagerness to reach out to me and my family. Some of you wrote novels too and whether your comment/email was long or short, I loved, loved reading them. I gained so much knowledge, and it's been super fun starting our registry. Autumn took me to Buy Buy Baby yesterday to walk around the store with that registry gun, and show me everything she used for her two babies. In the end I decided to actually register with Babies 'R Us because their online selection is far superior to BBB's and most of my far away family and friends (and everyone in Prescott) will be using the online option. I learned a lot though from our trip though, and I think my BRU registry is shaping up nicely with all of yours, Autumn's, and my friend Emily's suggestions.
A couple things we are set on:
1) Cloth diapers! We will be using bumGenius diapers and we couldn't be happier about our choice! (click here to visit their website!) My Mom cloth-diapered both my sister and me and she is very excited we decided to go this way. The diapers are so easy to use, and I'm excited to share our cloth-diapering journey with all of you.
2) Nursery colors! We're going with a gray and white palette, with pops of yellow.
Other than that we're still figuring things out! :)
Here is a short little video from my doctor's appointment today. I absolutely love this sound and could listen to it all day long.
As far as food, I'm still not having too many cravings, outside of my normal taste for fruit! I definitely think I have had more of a sweet tooth though and there have been days where lemon pie has sounded so delicious.
This week our darling Henry is the size of a spaghetti squash! I should also mention that I am shifting over to babycenter.com's fruit/veggie comparisons because thebump.com moves to only monthly updates at this point! So via that website I only have 4 fruits to go...with the last being a watermelon. !!!!!

Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.
I've also gotten some questions about my normal workout routine while pregnant, so I thought I would address that here. I basically do the same workout I did before, just a lot less intense and lighter weights less frequently. Here's an example of a typical week when I am at home and able to work out everyday:
Monday: 40 minutes elliptical, weights: arms (bi/tri/shoulders)
Tuesday: 60 minutes yoga or pilates
Wednesday: 20 minute walk on treadmill, 20 minute upright bike, weights: legs (squats, lunges, etc.)
Thursday: 60 minute walk outside, weights: chest and back
Friday: 40 minutes elliptical
Saturday: 20 minutes stair stepper, 20 minutes walk on treadmill
Sunday: active rest- do something relaxing and fun like go on a leisurely walk or hike
So basically I work each muscle group once a week, with pilates/yoga adding to that too. I also substitute swimming 20-25 laps on any day I feel like doing that instead. I don't focus on exercising to lose weight obviously but more so just to get my body moving. I put on great music and use the time to decompress, and enjoy myself! Each workout to me is a treat and it's an added bonus that I'm doing something good for Henry.
I should add that this plan would be a LOT for a pregnant woman who isn't used to working out everyday. Pregnancy is not the time to hop into a completely different and/or more intense workout regime! My doctor approved me exercising like this, but did warn me to keep my heart rate under 140 and advised me against lifting heavy weights or doing any exercises on my back. I'm careful to follow all of his guidelines and so far have found that in order to keep my HR under 140 I have to take it pretty easy. I figure that if I continue to eat healthy and stay active I will continue to feel pretty good!
This next week is going to be a busy one, so hopefully I will be able to squeeze in a 23 week update from San Diego Comic Con! Thanks again for stopping by- and happy Friday!
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