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While I was chatting and menganyam ketupat with my friend on YM yesterday,

suddenly I had a call from hubby,

he said when he went back to the hotel from client's office, 

there's a roadblock and he saw a team of army and there's a guy wearing suit almost like this....

(pic source google from The Hurt Locker)

Actually there was a bomb inside a van, and it was in the middle of the road.

Then while they want to diffuse the bomb, there was a small explosion, 

The car was shaking and a lot of people was taking videos and pictures...takde riot or apa, maybe a threat or something...

Alhamdulillah, nothing major happen and he safely arrive this morning!

I hug him kuat2...you will never know what's going to happen kat tempat orang...SCARY!

WHAT IF......Nauzubillah...bertawakal je lah...
Makes me lagilah malas nak make plans.

But since tickets sudah terbeli, InsyaAllah we'll be going soon...

Which is back to the square one, I have to make plans, or rather jadi last minutes macam pergi Muscat aritu....huhuhu


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