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join the school lunch revolution!

school is back in session. whole foods wants mod*mom readers to join the revolution to replace processed food served in school. they see improving childhood nutrition as a social justice issue.

Chef Ann Cooper a.k.a. the "Renegade Lunch Lady," has been making school lunch programs healthier across the U.S. for the past decade. Whole Foods Market is working to help her raise awareness of her mission, + to develop a free online resource, which will empower parents, schools + districts to make the change to healthy school lunches for our children. as part of the campaign you have the chance to bring Chef Ann to your school or district for your very own action plan to improve your lunch program. just create + post a 1 minute video showing why your school is in need of a School Lunch Makeover, + submit the link to: schoollunchmakeover@wholefoods.com by October 8

learn about Chef Ann + the contest: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/schoollunchmakeover/


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