Last Wednesday, my friend Mia invited me to her 17th Birthday which is on June 10 2009. To be honest, I am quite excited but feels a little bit overrated since I haven't go to any of my friend's birthday party for like...2 years? LOL yeah I know, what lousy friend am I...but blame you guys for not inviting me!
Oh if you're asking what kind of gift that I gave to her, its a rare carebear and a pink pashmina. Anyway..
...lets checkout some of the pictures below, taken by Miss Deeb HAHAHA.
The Birthday Cake, with a ice-cream toppings on it. Honestly I think the cake looks a little bit messed up but you can't argue with the taste...just that I prefer a chocolate chip cake with chocolate toppings and filled with chocolate inside. Very sweet and full with carbohydrates, but well...anyway the first thing we ate is this cake and the cupcakes above for the opening. Odd does it? Sounds like it is.
Mia with her happy family, and it sparks quite a reunion for me to see...its good to see them together.
From left: Deeb, Ijam, Mia, Myself and Haziq...all of us are in the 5 Cyber class. The theme was High-Fashion on that particular night, so I decided to go with ala Miami Vice, Tony Montana Scarface style. The only thing missing is a gold chain or some sort of neck chain, a bigger silver watch, UZI machine-gun and a Ferarri Testarossa. I know...I am dreaming and its lame LOL.
It's been quite a reunion to meet with them again! Actually before this two weeks school holiday started, I have started my own school holiday...why? Because literally I felt sick 2 weeks before the holiday (plus the swine flu outbreak is quite hot in that time), and when the time comes for me to fully recover I got sick again, thus it brings the total holiday to a full 3-4 weeks holiday! So it's been like 1 month I haven't meet them. Of course, I miss them and besides, you can't live without friends do ya?
You can see Mia, Munirah, Mahirah, Sahira and Mia's cousin/nephew. This is picture is taken during a musical pillow game (I forgot the name, but its like passing the pillow to your friend side by side, in a round position) which if a person receive the pillow, they will have to take a dare inside a cup filled with "dare papers". I got one, but its a super lousy dare in my own opinion LOL; spin around until you're dizzy and points your finger out and say to the person "I hate you!". Can it be any better or worse?
Ijam got a little bit crazy right after the camera is pointed at him.
This is Mia's nephew or cousin (sorry, I forgot...haven't eaten my breakfast yet LOL) and they are the one who provided the entertainment for the house.
What's up Firdaus!
The poor cake just got harassed LOL.
From left: Mia, Deeb and Hanie...which one do you choose hahaha.
Harassed cake model!
Assistant Monitor and Monitor posing, cool wei...not.Overall, I think this birthday party is very very havoc, full with joys and laughter nevertheless. In fact I stayed at Mia's house until its almost 1am in the morning! Talk about fun, yeah. The food and beverages (which I don't have a picture of it, sorry) on that particular night is all very salivating and mouth got lamb, satay, kebab, chicken shank, a bottled sarsi drink, lemonade, cupcakes, chocolate and others which I forgot. I ate almost all of them, since I haven't had my lunch yet on that day since I'm keeping my stomach empty just for the night. The food was great, and surprisingly I like the bottled sarsi that much that I managed to drink 3 or 4 bottles of em. Hahaha. Anyway..till the next blog posting!Zamil
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