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2009 Pameran Grafik Berkomputer - Part 2


Okay, its weekend and I got all the time for this now.Time to settle this once and for all. Last posting was all about my product display. This time I'm gonna post all about whats what on my exhibition. From rehearsal day to the real exhibition day.


6 May 2009 - Rehearsal Day

For now lets check out the first day at the hall, which is the rehearsal day.

As you can see, this is what it looks like before. The Form 4 and Form 5 are busy setting up the tables and the green board so that we can display our work nicely and beautifully.

Meanwhile this is the scene at the stage. Some are completing their last minute work, some are busy decorating and modifying their product or design, some are busy decorating the stage, some are printing some stuff while some just decided to hang around and goofing out lol.

See, I told you. This is Deeb, adjusting some of her work and she is helping Ilman with his business card..which needed to be cut manually. After the tables has been set on, then its time for us to put on our mounting board with our design work on it. It's quite a pain in the a*s as the board is quite...hard! We're using nails or thumbtacks to put our mounting board to the board..but the board is not the soft type of board. It's hard and you need to use all of your energy to push the thumbtacks or nails in!

This is Syuhada, she's my "neighbour" in this exhibition as her booth is only next to mine. And yes we had to share the board too. One side is for my work, and one side for hers.

Luckily two of my best buddy Yusof and Haziq came and help me to mount the freaking mounting board and hold it up at the board! And oh yeah, you can also check out what I've designed with my bare hand...which is placed on the board. There's the Radiator Cap, Letterhead, T-Shirt, Bunting, Brake Kit, Poster and Envelope.

This is what it looks like shortly afterward. Everybody is busy placing their mounting board, decorating the tables or "booth", while some is trying to sort out other things. Speaking about decorating, I have one thing that most other student don't have which is..

..a banner! It's quite big, and how much these babies cost me? A reasonable RM26 for TWO, thank you. Yes, two.

The initial stage of my booth...which originally covered by a red batik and a black batik on top before I made my mind to change it to a normal black table cloth. Why? Car parts don't go well with Batik, and I even received a comment from my graphic teacher's husband (yeah..) which he told me to change it or it will look weird. Thank you very much. Anyway, this is how my booth looks like after its been finished:

Tadaa! This was before all those crazy Toyo Tires, RB25 turbine and Skyline intercooler were putted because on that particular day I don't yet to receive the item.

Another surprise...there you can see the poster/flyer and my business card been laid on the table. As for the mounting board you can now spot the big bad Exhaust, Bunting Advertisement Style and the Flyer/Poster.

Yes, my Logitech G25 is present as well. But due to some circumstances, I decided not to bring it on on the real day. Why? I don't like the idea of a crazy madman toying with my shifter too much as it can break anytime because they simply just play it. Then I don't want them to queue up too long until my booth is super over crowded and I had to get another buddy of mine to look after it while I look after the booth. I've been considerate yeah, so sorry to others for taking one of the "fun" factors out. But thankfully I replaced my gaming to a showcase of D1GP, D1SL and even the D1GP All-Star Irwindale 2008 (where Tengku Djan participated in) videos, where they got to see the true pro doing it in style instead of watching em' on movies!

After all of our booth were set up
, the exhibition rehearsal started...the emcee are getting warmed up, the dancers and the silat performer are pumped up and the teacher are getting prepared. I got to say the dance and the silat show was super interesting, not quite a new concept but a great and innovative idea done by them. Who is them you ask? They are Form 4 Cyber student, and they are our junior! Cool job guys.

On that particular day too, I almost got heart attack. Why? I left my laptop and my videocam at the school! It was around 4 to 5pm when I reached home after I accompanied my friend Mia to MyT, a shop specialist in making custom made T-Shirt, Logos, Tag Button and so on. Then I realised something; where is my laptop bag? I thought its already inside the car when I tried to search for it, but then the bag is nowhere to be seen! My dad was getting panicked which makes me panicked aswell. But then my insticnt (or 6th sense, whatever) tells me that the laptop is at school. Without further ado I rushed back to school and yeah to my surprise its there, been taken care off by my friend Jaja and Ummu. Apparently I left it at the canteen, and one of the canteen worker saw it and gave it to my friend which fortunately they are eating at the canteen at that time! My videocam too was there inside the hall too. Fuh..what a day that Allah wanted to test me.

Anyway, when nightfall comes and the sun sets away, Nazrul (Along) from Team Toyo Drift Malaysia rang up my phone and say he will deliver all the goodies tonight! I already knew what he will deliver, just that I don't know how it looks like, whats the size of it and how many they were. When he arrived (around 9-10pm), I was in state of shock when I see all those goodies. They were simply mindblowing. The Toyo Tires are darn big and awesome..its nice to see them in a fresh state. The intercooler and the turbine are extraordinary, they were big and heavy! Wanbra was there too, and he even offered me to become an Admin at the Feinto.D website after he saw my graphic work. Along too did ask me to design a new vinyl for his new drift car, because he said "bored of seeing the Toyo Japan drift car vinyl design for our cars, I want something new". I'll see what I can do for both of these amazing guys.

After that, I decided to place my company sticker into each and one of the products, just to show that they are "produced" by my company. At least I don't have to spend thousands to buy all those high performance parts and tires. Besides that, I am giving Toyo Tires a free publicity and I think that is a good way to promote them even though it is just a small display.

The stickers before I put some of them to those car parts.

Because the intercooler was huge, and the thickness is around 4' inches, I decided to goof around for a while and took this picture. I look small compared to the intercooler!

After that, I decided to pack up and compile everything nicely and neatly for the next day as shown in the above pic. Those two exhaust pipes sticking out looks like some bōsōzoku one's isn't it?

Later on I'm off to bed for a nice goodnight sleep while thinking about the big day tomorrow..

7 May 2009 - The Exhibition Day

The day has come. There is not time to play and its time for me to face the music. Time to make it short; I woke up around 6am, getting all prepared and ready, puts all my stuff inside my dad's MPV, and on 7.10am off we go to school. Arrived there 6 minutes later, and I call up two of my best buddy Syafiq and Amal to help me unload the goodies up to my booth. The heaviest has got to be the intercooler, and the oddest thing was the Toyo's. When I carry all these stuff (with my friend help, of course) most of the students and some prefects were looking at em with a "What the f**k is that? Why that fella bring this?", look at me. Quite funny though LOL!

The exhibition starts at 8am in the morning, but the guess comes around 8.20 so I have few more more minutes to sort out my booth before it started. Yeah everything is nicely done, with help from my friend Syafiq. Thanks a bunch dude. By this time I was sweating a lot, to be honest I was afraid I will smell like a durian on that particular day while laying my ass off at my booth LOL! But thank god I don't. By the way, this is what my booth looks like:

Ignore me, I look weird. But somehow I look like a businessman on work hahaha. Anyway you can see I've relocated some of the parts on my table, put the Toyo Tires below with a sticker on top of it, the big Infinite Skyline GTR Intercooler with the Turbo Timer and Apexi AVCD, and lastly a laptop located far left in that picture which replaced my Logitech G25 for the day.

See those BIG exhaust pipes and the extractor? Roar.

"Toyo Tires - Driven to Perform are now available at Hypersports Performance!", that is what it says.

Because of all the hard work, I accidently touch or hit something earlier which I don't even know what which makes my finger skin tore a little bit and bleed. Luckilly, Mia has a plaster and she graciousfully offered me not one but two. Thanks..ehem.

This is how it looks like after 8pm++. Teachers, students and parents, who ever they are. It was crowded and I can feel the tension and pressure. After all those gracious dance and silat show, it was time for the PK Hem to give a little bit of speech and to officially launch the exhibition. Nothing much really, basicly all those common routine you done on a exhibition. Don't believe me? See below.

Now get what I mean?

Okay before I move further ahead, lets take a look of some of my friends booth..pictures courtesy of my Dad and Deeb.

Mia (thats not her anyway) - Maxiimiini Sdn Bhd

Ilman - ILL Clothing Sdn Bhd

Wan Haziq - Clothes 4 Life (C4L) Sdn Bhd

Amal - Super Art Style (S.A.S.) Design Sdn Bhd

Deeb (sorry can't see your face) - Newfaces Modelling/Photography Agency Sdn Bhd

Nizam (our class monitor) - Line Fox Communication Sdn Bhd

Zulsyazwan - Izgraphy Sdn Bhd

Back to posting. Right after the speech, montage video display and also the exhibit launching, the emcee would announce the winner of Booth Terbaik (The Best Booth at the Exhibit) on the exhibition it self. To be honest, I don't have high hopes or I don't think that I have the chance of winning compared to others. But this is what my tought has been putted into this exhibition and what I've been thinking:

1) my booth is simple, nothing much.

2) I am showcasing what my passion and likes has brought me up today, from the days I've been toying with Hotwheel cars to the present day I've been involved in drifting and real cars.

3) I'm just having fun out there literally, without fun everything won't become interesting.

4) To display and done something which nobody had done before to the extreme by showing and bringing out all those high performance parts such as intercooler, turbo and so on.

5) By trying to promote the sports of drifting, the man involved behind, the parts needed, and share my experiences and try to give information and advices as lot as possible to those who doesn't understand much about the automotive related industry.

This is what kept my spirit alive in doing this. Those 5 important and helpful things. And please don't think I am been cocky, because this is what I worked hard for. Anyway, to my surprise,I won 1st place for Booth Terbaik (The Best Booth at the Exhibit) on that particular day! I was shocked but was smiling and laughing too! I mean, my friend had other better booth design then me, but I was choosen among the rest. Alhamdulillah I am so thankful to Allah for the everything I done. This just proves that "even if you're praying hard for what you want, without a hardwork it won't just happen."

The 1st price hamper sitting down nicely...I still can't believe that I actually won..Oh and one more thing, I've also been interviewed by eduwebtv.com, a government education website which showcase all about education but I've yet to check it out at the website.

This is what I call: WIN WIN WIN! LOL!

Okay, enough of that. I would like to express my greatest token of gratitude and thank you to Yasin, Amer, Nazrul (Along), my Parents, Bormas, Syafiq, Amal, Yusof, Haziq, Cikgu Samsuriani, Deeb, Deborah, Kak Yan and others who been involved or helping me with my project for this 2009 Graphic Exhibition. This will be one of my greatest memories when I leave this school at the end of the year. Also thank you for all the readers who's been supporting and reading my blog from its humble beginning to what it has become right now. Thank you so much.

Till then.



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