giveaway :: Whole Baby diaper bag from wholefoodsmarket.com
whole foods market wants to know what mod*mom readers think of their "Whole Baby" podcasts. from now until march 30th, they’re offering “mod*mom” readers, an incentive for you to listen + provide feedback to their Whole Baby Podcasts covering Natural Baby Body Care, Pregnancy – A Time to Go Natural, + Organics for Baby, Beyond Food
the “Deluxe Urban Sling” is made with 100% post-consumer recycled materials- “yesterday’s discarded water bottles and yogurt containers”. It comes loaded with natural products for new babies, and families.
enclosed items may vary slightly and may include:
Belly Bar - assortment of Chews, Shakes + Bars
California Baby - Super Sensitive Shampoo + Body Wash - No Fragrance
Peter Rabbit Organics - Baby Intense Therapy Cream
Seventh Generation - Natural Baby Laundry Detergent
Hylands - Teething Tablets, and Teething Gel
how to enter:
1. there are 3 podcasts please feel free to listen to all 3 but you just need to leave a comment on 1. to listen click here:
2. after listening, click on the “comment” text to leave your comment. *please enter: modmomblog.com in the “website” field on the comment form, so we know your comment is part of this promotion.
3. when you leave a comment, with modmomblog.com in the website field, you will be entered in a drawing, + on march 31st, 1 winner will be randomly selected to win a Green Baby Diaper Bag!
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